On a cutting board you will want to take each wafer cookie and slice the top two sides making the top of the wafer cookie into a triangle resembling a freshly sharpened pencil
Set aside a few mini chocolate chips one for each pencil you will be assembling
Place candy melts individually in microwave per instructions making sure to check and stir about every 30 seconds to keep from burning
Once the candy melts are done, take each "sharpened" wafer cookie and dip into the pink candy melts on the un sharpened flat side to resemble an eraser. Then take the sharpened side and dip the pointy side in the white melts.
Once you have dipped the pointy side you will want to take one mini chocolate chip and place on the freshly dipped candy melt so it will stick to top. This will resemble the lead on the pencil
Place completely dipped pencils over a sheet of parchment paper and place them there to dry
Once try you can arrange them on a cutting board to serve.
You will want to make sure to cut all wafer cookies prior to heating up the chocolate candy melts so you can work quickly dipping with the chocolate as it does dry out quickly! Also, for easy clean up use parchment paper sheet like THESE - they make cleaning up a breeze! Trust me, grab some you will thank yourself!