In large saucepan melt butter over low to medium heat. Add butter until melts
Then add marshmallows and stir until completely melted.
Once the marshmallows and butter have combined, turn down heat and add your rice krispies slowly combining as you go making sure to mix all together well
Once combined remove from heat and let cool.
Butter or spray your muffin tin and scoop enough rice krispy mixture into each tin pushing down and creating nest.
Once you have filled a muffin tin you will want to pop in freezer for about 10 minutes to let set up
Then once they have set up take a few pieces of edible easter grass and plave on the bottom of the rice krispy nest
Then take 3 robin eggs and place them on top of the edible grass.
Then repeat for all until you have as many nests as you desire.
These little birds nest rice krispy treats are a stand alone dessert or you can also add them to a confectionary spread for Easter. They will be the delight of the board This recipe will make approximately 24 nests depending on size.