Wooden skewer however many snowmen you want to make is how many you need!
3piecesmini powdered donuts
1cupmini chocolate chips
1cupunwrapped mini peanut butter cup
1slicespull apart red licorice
8ozwhite frosting in a tubecould also use black for the hat
1pieceswooden skewerhowever many snowmen you want to make is how many you need
take the wooden skewer and take 3 powdered donuts and layer them on the skewer. Push donuts down until there is a bit of the skewer sticking out (this is where you will put your mini peanut butter cup)
dab a bit of frosting on the tip of the exposing skewer and place the mini peanut butter cup on top securing it in place
take a dab of frosting in the middle of the top powdered donut and sort out m&m’s using the orange one and place the orange m&m over the dab of frosting securing it in place (this will be frosty’s face)
take 2 mini chocolate chips and place them backwards for the eyes on the first donut above the nose (orange m&m) simply press them into the donut.
then take about 5 inch of pull apart licorice and tie around the first two donuts making it look like a scarf
set all your snowman on a board for display and I like to sift a little powdered sugar on top giving the appearance of freshly fallen snow.