Cooking with Q

I want to invite you into a very special corner of my blog— a loving tribute to my incredible husband, Quintin who was not only my partner in life & business – he was the undisputed king of the grill.

This page is dedicated to his best grilling and BBQ creations that we enjoyed during countless joyful gatherings in our backyard with the family – as well as some of Quintin's favorite recipes from years of working together on the Crazy Busy Mama site together.

From perfectly charred steaks to tender, smoky ribs, each recipe here holds a cherished memory of laughter and love shared under open skies. Quintin didn’t just cook; he created experiences, turning each meal into a celebration of life’s simplest pleasures.

He had a knack for storytelling and often shared his pearls of wisdom with us over these meals, enriching every dish with the flavor of his philosophies and the warmth of his laughter.

These recipes are a reflection of those precious moments. They embody his passion for grilling and his gift for connecting with others through food and conversation.

Each recipe invites you to not just cook, but to share stories, impart wisdom, take pictures of family meals – and make memories.

So, let’s fire up the grill and keep his spirit alive—gather your loved ones and enjoy these beloved flavors, letting the magic of his words and the joy of his cooking bring us all closer together.

Q's Recipes & Favorites

Click on the link to open up the recipe and video instructions.


  1. I am so so sorry for your loss. We lost our son a few years ago and thank goodness we have great memories. Thank you for sharing some of yours with us. Thank you for the great receipes. Prayers for you and your family.

  2. Lori I absolutely love your posts and especially this one! I will be making many of these recipes and I will be sure to think of you while we are enjoying them! I lost my husband as well about 2 1/2 yrs ago and it is still so hard but I try to just make it through today and then the next day! Keep sending us your amazing posts and videos! You are loved by so many 🩷🙏🏻🙏🏻🩷

  3. Prayers from my family to yours. Always remember you have us ladies, to love, comfort and pray for you. May God bless you this Mothers Day weekend! 🩷✝️

  4. Lori, I love watching you and your crazy busy mama videos and recipes. Thank you for that. I’m so sorry for your loss. Since then you are always on my mind. Many prayers for you and your beautiful family 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻

  5. You are an inspiration. I love your videos , recipe, sharing your family with us . So sorry what you’re going through.

  6. Lori. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Q. My heart breaks for you and the kids. Sending prayers and love. God Bless You all.

  7. Lori, Your husband reminds me of my dad! He often told me that people will forget things about you, but they will never forget how you made them feel! So let that thought bring a smile to their face when they think of you! Your husband sounds like an amazing person & I am so sorry for your loss. As time goes on, it gets a little bit easier, but there will always be that giant hole that can’t be filled by anyone except him. I am praying 🙏🏼 for you that God give you comfort & help you & your children navigate through the really tough months ahead. 🙏🏼 ❤

  8. Lori, my heart breaks for what you and your beautiful family are going through. We are all here for you, lifting you up in prayer and I even cry with you. Most importantly, Jesus is walking beside you. You are never alone. Lean on your strong faith. My life-verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

    I have been going through your recipes, and Q’s favs, I will be making many of them.

    Sending you hugs, love and prayers.

  9. You are an amazing woman and an inspiration to so many. Q was a fishing friend of mine from Lake Viking. He was an awesome fisherman and friend. He came through for me more than once and helped me a great deal become the fisherman I am today. I will miss him greatly and hope to one day meet you and the children. God Bless you, Ross Wood

  10. I admire you so much for doing this. I will definitely be trying a number of these recipes. I will share something that was just told to me yesterday…grief is a journey, not a destination and it looks different for everyone. Grieve in your own way and in your own time. Peace, blessings and prayers to you and your family.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. May God continue to wrap his arms around you all. I am looking forward to making all these amazing meals. Thank you for sharing! 🙏❤️

  12. Prayers for your family. I’m spreading your site and recipes to everyone I know. I love your mission. Thank you for being real and continuing your love for cooking and especially for your family!!

  13. Thank you for doing this. The recipes look amazing! I’m sure Q is loving what you are doing. You know, he’s with you, encouraging you and watching over you and the kids. Take one day at a time. Prayers to you and the kids.

  14. Thank you for sharing these and your precious memories of Quintin. My heart goes out to you snd your beautiful children. Prayers are with you to find peace and comfort during this most difficult time.

  15. Praying for you and your family. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Don’t let anyone tell you how long to grieve. May God bless you!

  16. What an awesome way to keep Q’s memory with us all! I loved it when he would pop on!! Hugs and prayers to you and your family!

  17. Lori i know how you feel. My husband of 38 years shot himself in front of me. To me his day i dont know why. He had some health issues but nothing like this. I didn’t know what to think or do without him. You literally have to create a new you because the other half is gone. I went to a psychologist that specializes in grief. That and the Lord got me through it. Fast forward ten years and i am remarried and very happy. I will never forget my deceased husband as he is forever in my heart. But i also know that their will be happiness’s fir you. Your kiddos growing up and you becoming a grandmother. One day at a time… one breath at a time. Love your heart and hope your children are navigating through their grief.

  18. God is with you, precious Lori. May you feel the Lord’s Presence ever so near. You are honoring Quintin’s legacy in such a special way. You made it through today and you will make it through tonight. Little steps seem so minor until you look back and see just how far you have come. Not that it’s a race, but it is a journey. You’re making it through. You are safe, you are loved, and you are never alone. 🩷

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement. We miss him so much. Hard to move forward, but we are trying one step at a time.

  19. Lori, grief has so many faces and phases. You have weeks, maybe even months where your thoughts of him bring smiles and your days go by without that gut wrenching pain and then something it doesn’t have to be big triggers a memory and you are back on your knees sobbing and praying. Your grief is yours. Take as long as you need. To the people that tell you it’s time to move on, I shake my head at them. No one knows when it’s time to move on but you. From what I’ve seen on your pages you are doing a fine job of keeping your family together. Sending prayers hugs and love from a stranger to you and your family. Between you and God, you’ve got this girl. Might not be pretty at times, but it’s your beautiful mess!

  20. First let me tell you I’m so very sorry. Thank you for sharing with us.
    I remember in the past I would see your video and just smile because you had the biggest smile on your videos. It will come back one day.
    Every time I see your videos now, I text my husband I love you.
    You are reaching a lot of people and helping them! Thank you!!!

  21. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband 6 1/2 years ago and there are still days that I don’t want to go on. But I do know that he is pain free and with his Lord and Savior. I will see him again, just as you will see your husband again. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  22. I am so sorry for you loss. So not right. My heart breaks for your family. Everyday I fear the same thing for my husband and daughter they were forced to do something to keep their jobs. And now with all the medical articles coming out, I keep thinking this will be the day. I pray not.

  23. Lori, my heart goes out to you and your loss. But you know why you having a blog in honor of him, you can keep him alive forever and ever in your heart and your mind and you know that you’ll see him again. God’s blessings to you and your family.

  24. I lost my husband 5 years ago, unfortunately by his own hand and I feel your pain so deeply. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain you are feeling! Continued prayers for you and your sweet family. Can’t wait to try some of these great recipes.

  25. God Bless all of you. God didn’t let him suffer. Take assurance in that. Peaceful rest he went. He gained his reward. I’m praying for you and the kids. Keep his precious memories in your hearts. We all have a time and we know not when it God has a plan for our lives. It will be a glorious day when we can rejoice with him and our loved ones that have gone before us. Keep Your Faith sweetheart it’s the only way to make it through. Grief is hard . I love you with all my heart.

  26. My heart goes out to you and your Little Ones……. I can only hope and pray that you understand what YOU mean to “Us!”!!! We cannot take away or maybe not even ease your pain, but understand that we are still here for you!!! NOT to take your hunnys place, but just to offer an ear when you need to bounce your ideas around; a shoulder, for those times when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, a hand when you need someone to congratulate you on your numerous accomplishments……You have created an extended family here…….and we got your back babygirl!!!

    Listen, this site asks for an email address when you leave a comment…….If you have access to it, use it! I can be that ‘bipartial’ party that you may need…….someone to talk to, shed tears with (if needed) but most definitely a friend!!! I’m sure you have oodles of those, but if you have room for one more…….I’m available!!! I Wish you and your kiddies an easy recovery! I’ll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers……

  27. Lori, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Knowing our Lord Jesus will return and gather us all and you will be reunited for eternity with Q. Until then live in the hope of the resurrection. 🙏

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