Being your own boss is the most exhilarating adventure and it's your first step to finding your FREEDOM.
Freedom looks different for everyone. Finding your freedom could mean financial freedom, freedom of time, freedom from the monotony of life, or freedom from the 9 to 5 grind. Whatever freedom you desire, this opportunity will guide your growth into the entrepreneur you desire to become. You can use this opportunity as a simple side hustle to pursue other passions or use it to catapult you into a freedom you never even thought was possible.
In 2011, I said yes to this opportunity. As a mom of 4 kiddos, 5 years and under I was in one of the busiest seasons of my life but I had a growing desire to see my husband more and have him be part of his kid's life in a much bigger way so I said yes, jumped right in and got to work. This opportunity taught me all about entrepreneurship and was the true foundation of what brought me where Crazy Busy Mama is today.
Because of that “yes” 13 years ago, I was able to retire my husband from his corporate banking position and we were able to live life on our own terms. Because of that one seemingly insignificant yes, we have so many incredible memories together as a family that I will forever cherish.
Our family’s desire for the last 13 years has been freedom of time. Time to be together with our quickly growing family without the constraints of a 9 to 5 career telling us when and where we had to be and it’s been an exhilarating ride!
This was a picture of my sweet family in December 2023 right before Christmas in Mexico. Little did I know, this would be our last family beach picture.

Tragically and unexpectedly in April 2024, we lost our beloved Quintin, husband, father and true bedrock of our family. Our entire world has been turned upside down, but in the midst of the pain I am forever grateful for our time together. My yes that turned into his yes that allowed us to be together as a family on our own terms for the last 13 years. Our time with Q was cut way too short, now more than ever I am grateful that I said yes to changing our lives long before I knew the path we would one day walk.
Friends, I remember this picture like it was yesterday! Unbeknownst to me, God was preparing us for a bigger calling.
Trust me mama, It won’t always be easy but it will be worth it!
Life is busy, I get it but in order to have a change you have got to make a change.

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway!
Keep running after your dreams mama! Live life with no regrets!
-CBM 💓✝️
Say YES and get to work finding your FREEDOM today!
Click here to get started 👇
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