The love of a mother can change the trajectory of your entire life. As a crazy busy mama of 4, this is the absolute truth. As I write on the love and dedication of mother Nelle to her son Ronald Reagan, our 40th President of the United States I am reminded of the lasting impact we have as mothers towards our children. It is pretty safe to say, statistically we are probably not raising the next leader of the free world, however we are absolutely raising world changers and as a mother you get the opportunity to help mold them into our next generation. The love and support of a mother is vital in a child's life.
So when given the opportunity to share the perspective of support and love between Ronald Reagan and his mother Nelle, I was absolutely honored.

I honestly, couldn't be more excited about working with producer Mark Joseph and Actor Dennis Quaid on sharing the excitement of the movie REAGAN coming to the big screen. This will be the movie of the year, and one you won't want to miss!

The Back Story
In July of 2023, my late husband Quintin answered a call that would bring this current vision into focus for our family. This has become a bittersweet moment for me, as he was suppose to be here to experience all this REAGAN movie collaboration has to offer. If you are unfamiliar with the sudden passing of my beloved husband you can reference his story HERE. He was my one true love, my biggest encourager and supporter and the Crazy Busy Mama mission was just as big for him as it is for me.
As most of my followers know, Crazy Busy Mama was birthed in a time of turmoil for our country where people where searching for answers with many questions that couldn't be answered. I saw a huge need for getting families back to the dinner table where I believe roots are grown, values instilled, and new change birthed just as REAGAN did. Creating quick recipes for other Crazy Busy Mamas became my mission not because I was some amazing chef, rather because I was also a crazy busy mama who desperately wanted to make a change in my own family.
After losing my husband unexpectedly just a few short months ago, I feel this massive pull back to the table in an entirely different way. I can grieve the life I don't have, or I can give it to God let it rest in His hands and ask for strength to move forward instilling those same important values and giving my kids a foundation of truth. Crazy Busy Mama has an entirely different meaning now, but I believe God is still writing my story and using my platform to help others prioritize what is truly the most important much like when Nelle encouraged Reagan of his purpose during his time of turmoil.
Some time after the launch of Crazy Busy Mama, the marketing team for the upcoming REAGAN movie and producers from Rawhide Studios reached out to join forces on marketing this blockbuster movie to a social audience. They were looking for an influencer who had built a large following on positive encouragement, tenacity and truth. Crazy Busy Mama was chosen for this task and Quintin, my biggest encourager and supporter answered that call. He was so excited of what was to come, the impact we were making in family's intentionality, and the change this movie could potentially offer to this hurting world. Immediately, I was taken to the story. The story behind the story is what caught my attention the most. Who Ronald Reagan was and who he became was a direct correlation to his relationship with his mother, Nelle. This mother son relationship and how much of an impact his mother made on Reagan's life and it stirred an entirely parallel purpose to what seemed like the initial crazy busy mama purpose of a simple recipe prepared into a meal. It was all about the intentional building of value in a relationship.
I was reminded of Reagan's farewell speech to the nation in 1989…as he stated “All Great CHANGE in America, begins at the Dinner Table. ” Chills! This had been my exact Crazy Busy Mama mission for the last 5 years.
Reagan had a charm, geniality and ability to connect with the average person as well as world leaders earning him the nickname ” The Great Communicator” through his actions and passionate speeches Reagan restored the confidence in the American people. Even decades after he left office, his legacy remained strong with admirers wanting to add his portrait to Mount Rushmore and US Currency. Ronald Reagan, ended the global Cold war, stimulated economic growth in the U.S., strengthening its national defense, revitalizing the Republican Party. These achievements were undoubtedly rooted by his mom. Nelle was a devout Christian raised her boys in church emphasizing the need of a savior, with all life's twists and turns. She was a constant encourager in Reagans life, always reminding him despite life's troubles “There is a purpose for your life”
Reagan's life was less than ideal, he had an alcoholic father who scrapped by, uprooting his family at every turn and at the age of 41 had a failed marriage and wanting to leave behind acting in Hollywood to pursue politics. After serving two terms as Governor of California, he campaigned and became the oldest president at the age of 69 and then broke his own record and was re-elected in 1984 at the age of 73. 69 days after he was sworn into office as the United States President, John Hinckley Jr attempted to assassinate the president with the bullet lodging in his lung and stopping within an inch of his heart.
His resilience, was a direct result of his up bringing. His upbringing wasn't without hardship, however that hardship left a void in him a hole that ultimately the Lord came to fill. In his need of reliability, he looked to his mom and she pointed him upward. There he found what he perceived as a permeant friend, God who was always in His place, accessible at any moment, who never moved on him. Nelle his mother taught him that alcoholism was a disease and urged them not to blame their father for succumbing to it. It was because of this, Ronald turned to God. Eleven year old Ronnie found his father sprawled out in the snow on the front porch drunk wreaking of whiskey and freezing, instead of casting blame and pretending he wasn't there he grabbed an overcoat and carried Jack to the bedroom away from unwanted attention and towards warmth. He felt no resentment just sadness and grief, after all this was the man who had always carried him. There was a level of respect that even through the bad, his father still provided good and his mother was a great reminder of honoring his father through this disease.
Although the world around him seemed to falter, he keep his focus on God, his mama and of course, on his desk sat a jar of jelly bellies, President Reagan’s favorite treat!

Speaking of favorites, although Quaid doesn't have a big jar of jelly beans he does carry around his big mug that exemplifies his purpose in his Reagan role. (See picture below)

Producer Mark Joseph said that Dennis Quaid was always the person to play Reagan. He bought him a Reagan Replica cowboy hat and told him to try it on, he tried it on and Quaid said, “Call me back in a week”. Joseph called him back and said “Dennis what do you think?” and he said, “Mark, that hat it's just too big it doesn't fit.” Joseph's heart sank, ahh, here we go he can't do it, and Quaid said with a smirk – “But I think I can grow into it.”
When asked of Quaid, if playing the role of REAGAN will make him a better person, Quaid chuckled and said ” I think I will learn a lot. Let's just put it that way”
Raised in Texas with a mom he calls his ROCK, Quaid became an actor because he didn't know what else to do. From marriage to divorce to faith and family, Quaid's story is almost parallel to Reagan's with difficult unexpected twists and turns, but one thing remained the same. They both came from mothers who played a very pivotal role in their lives. In an interview, Quaid states, he finally discovered that “Happiness is a decision.”
When asked about the greatest accomplishment of Reagan's life, Quaid smiled and said, “I think he would say it is his relationship with Nancy.” When asked, what Quaid thought Nancy meant to Reagan, with tear filled eyes he stated “EVERYTHING”
If you want to check out the interview source you can check that out HERE
“All Great CHANGE in America, begins at the Dinner Table.“
If we want a change in this world, WE must be the CHANGE! As we see this manifested in Reagan's life throughout his many trials. Despite our circumstances, what our earthly eyes may see, or how defeated we feel us mamas can make a difference! That first step starts with you… now is the time to RECLAIM THE TABLE and be reminded of REAGAN's and my variation of this Crazy Busy Mama quote, “All Great CHANGE, begins at the Dinner Table.”
REAGAN the movie will launch on August 30th and tickets are Now on SALE HERE! This is a family friendly movie inspiring and encouraging a relentless tenacity of no limits, building a foundation on truth, and having a NO quit outlook in life. This is an awesome opportunity to gather your family together. Throughout the movie one quote that rings true is “There’s no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” Imagine if we all had his humble outlook in life.
Make sure to grab your tickets NOW, bring your entire family and invite your friends!
In conclusion, Ronald Reagan wanted to make a difference in this world. He wasn't afraid to take on any task. He later married Nancy who took on that role in his life to be his biggest encourager and his one true love.
Reagan lost his mother in 1962, when he was 50 and before his mother could see him as president of the United States but she believed he would do great things and always spoke life into his purpose.
You may not see the difference you are making in your lifetime mama, but your impact is making changes for a generational legacy. Just like Nelle didn't get to see Reagan become president in her lifetime, she laid a foundation of confidence, values and truth to her son. Just like Q, he paved a legacy of christian values, truths and a “Get After It” attitude that my children will carry on into their adulthood and for generations to come.
As REAGAN says it best himself, “It Can Be Done”
Can’t wait.
Thank you for all that you do to inspire others, to encourage and remind people the importance of bringing your family together. This has been lost in so many families over time, generations. With God in our lives and hearts, “It can be done”. Thank you Lori and “Q” and your beautiful children. God Bless.
What a wonderful testimony Lori of both your journey and its intertwining with the REAGAN movie. I love when you said ” I can grieve the life I don’t have, or I can give it to God let it rest in His hands and ask for strength to move forward instilling those same important values and giving my kids a foundation of truth.”. So powerful. You are walking this journey with such strength and dignity. I am looking forward to this movie. Have so much fun on the red carpet. Quinton is cheering you on!
Thank you for sharing this story of a good life. And the impact a Mom can have. We are truly blessed.
Thank you for sharing! I look forward to seeing the movie!
I am not surprised that you were selected at this ti.e for this task. So happy for you! Can’t wait to see Reagan. He at one point loved in Galesburg Illinois and went to school at Silas Willard Elementary school.
From one crazy busy mama to another; looking forward to this movie and to more of amazing YOU !!
Wow! So glad you were chosen to be a part of the movie. I remember Reagan. It was a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing this story!! Everyone needs to know about how good life was and I pray that it will be that way again soon.
Thank you for sharing this story, I truly believe that families need to get back to gathering around the dinner table, a time to share the day, speak of our blessings of morals& values with Gods help & Mothers future generations will have a better chance, May God bless your family.
My parents had a wonderful impact on my life too … I am truly blessed!
Beauriful tribute! God bless you!
Looking forward to seeing the movie. But I think we have to remember the words might’ve come from his mouth, but they were written by Peggy Noonan! And if we’re going to be giving credit whete credits is due, she should be given credit here! She was one of the best speech writers.
Thank you for sharing your story and Reagan movie details. I agree that family dinners are so important to keep the family together. God Bless you for all you do to spread tbe message..
I go to my daughter’s house to babysit on Monday!! We invite 4 of her closest friends for dinner. It is known as Monday Night Dinner.i used to do all the cooking, but as I have gotten older and we have gotten larger, the girls bring in side dishes. It is a wonderful time of family friendship. These girls grew up together and their children are growing up together. I feel lucky that I can be a part of this!! I love my girls as if they were my own and their children as if they were my own grandchildren. Look forward to every Monday night!!! Love you Lorie!!!♥️♥️♥️