The Trees Are About To Show Us How Lovely It Is To Let The Dead Things Go


I had a facebook memory pop up today…

STOPPED ME IN MY TRACKS!! Who would have thought I would be doing this alone less than 10 years later 💔😢

No wonder this showed up in my memories … another Q’ism reminder that I needed at this exact moment! 🥺🥹💔❤️‍🩹

If you would like to read what happened to Q you can HERE – writing about that day helps in my healing process and helps me from having to reshare that tragic day every time someone asks.


October used to be one of my favorite months🍁🍂🍃

 ….and as my adult life has happened several tragedies have hit in this particular month that at times have knocked me completely to my knees. A few I will share & some I am not public about. Isn’t life hard 😣

Two of which were, the cancer diagnosis of my sister and my dad. 😢 For the last several years, October now seems to come with a heavy black cloud that seems unbearable at times.  My sister is winning her battle.  Unfortunately, my father lost his and passed four years ago 😢

Last week, Quintin and I were driving along a rural country road. I couldn't help but be in awe of the true awesomeness of colors that fall provides. 😍 I wanted to be grateful but my heart still full of hurt blurted out… “October used to be one of my favorite months…. but now it holds all of the reminders of hurt in my life” 

😏 😢 

The truck filled with tears for a moment and then at that exact moment God, prompted Quintin to share with me about all the beautiful trees in the fall 🍂🍃🍁…. how their leaves are going to fall to the ground and die but that they will not die in vain. Eventually, the winter will come and they will be buried with white snow ❄, taken by the earth to nourish the very ground they fell to, all this to be made new all over again in the spring. Year after year this is true, and they will be even more magnificent because of it. The death of pieces of the tree each and every year, brings the very life that sustains it. 

This is Gods way of trying to make new in your life and a reminder to let all of those dead things go. It is when I let them go, that HE will make new.

He then shared this quote with me

“The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go”

Then in an ironic twist, I woke up to a friend tagging me with this same quote this morning on FB. 

Irony…no, God yes! This is just His gentle reminder of how much He hurts when we hurt and how He wants me to let go and let Him so that He may make things new.

Just when you think things are falling apart they are simply falling into place. Trust God He has a plan for you life!

~Lori Conway

#JustBeHeld #ConwayAdventure

•October 22nd May 2016 •

Here is a sweet picture of my family circa 2011. Oh, how I miss us!


Frito Chili Cheese Dip

If you are obsessed with dips you have to try this easy Frito Chili Cheese dip! Its scrumptious…


  1. That was a beautiful story. Q sounds like he was one in a million. My daughter lost the love of her life in 2022. It was tragic. It’s been two years and she’s still struggling. She and you are allowed to take all the time needed because that’s how grief works. You cannot get around it or over it , only through it and by our Precious Lord’s grace.God never allows anything to happen to us unless it is for our salvation. Hard to believe, but it’s true. Stay strong. Stay brave. Know that one day you will see your one in a million Q again. Oh the joy!!!🙏🏻❤️✝️🥰🙌🏼

  2. Oh Lori, what a Qism, & a God wink. 🤗🩵🙏 All my love to you & your’s. 🌷💐💞Thank you for sharing in Hope.🙏x

  3. Beautiful share Lori! Energy never dies it just changes. We are the spark of God’s spirit and as I’ve heard you say again and again God never leaves us. So it is Q and God showing up in your life always reminding you they are loved and supporting you. Sending you much love💓🙏💓

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