Being a mother is the hardest yet most rewarding role I will ever play. Bringing these most incredible beings into the world helping to mold and make them into the one who God has created them to be is the most important job as mamas we will ever have.
Somehow you are suppose to help these little humans grow up, be respectful and be a productive part of society and if you are a believer like me you are called to equip them to be the best God has created them to be arming with with scripture and solid foundation of who God says they are in their identity and above all teach them to be the Love of Christ each and every day they live on this earth until they are called to their eternal home. God has given me these children on loan and has charged me with the task to help lead them to the Lord and lead others to the Lord on a mission to make heaven crowded! That is my job and I do NOT take it lightly!

So with that being said, life can throw twists and turns, your kids grow up and become tweens, teens and young adults who start to make their own decisions. Some of them are decisions you would have possibly made and others well they are far from the decision you would have made. Yup… hard pill to swallow on that latter one. I am in constant prayer of when to speak up or when I should not speak and just love them through it as we all have been 20 before making those same decisions that possibly our parents would not have made. A tricky balancing act for sure, and hey I am knew to this as well I have never been a parent of a teen or young adult. Thus we all need an abundance of grace upon grace. Trust me mama this is by far is the most rewarding yet scary part of parenting. You used to be responsible and do everything for these kids and now somehow you are suppose to just step aside and allow them to do it all on their own even when they fail! WHAT? ….I realize I am not completely there in motherhood as my oldest is just 20 but I feel the weight of this more and more every day. I try to surrender this weight of motherhood, so it does't rob me from the joys of this season too, in which there are plenty of! So I am constantly praying the I Don't KNOW Prayer in this season and my season of grief as well. And if I am being honest, sometimes those decisions are just not that DEEP and don't need that much of your energy! So choosing your battles is so incredibly important too! Much like this one with KALE, it may not have been the decision I would make for him and you know what that is ok!
This season of motherhood is a big learning curve for me, especially after the sudden loss of my best friend and husband for almost 25 years. I would always make the joke when I become a new mama in the thick of it with 4 kids under 5 and diapers up to my eyeballs, that I would gladly take this season of motherhood it was the teenage years that kept me awake at night and he reassured me that he would have no issues taking that season over, and well now I am doing it alone and it is not only exhausting but it is scary. I have to remind myself constantly that he is cheering me on even though he is not physically here and he was the most amazing father who constantly poured wisdom into my children that helped to make them who they are today. That wisdom he so graciously poured out over our children, we now today call Q'ism's!
Teens and young adults especially will start to make decisions that won't be yours, and things may happen or get broken like I talk and blog about in my “Even When” coffee chat but regardless of those decisions of circumstances they will never change the love you have your kiddo.
I share my heart with the struggle of Roots & Wings in the video below. I say Struggle because well, you can see in the image below it is written all over my face. I have tear filled eyes sharing my heart, because this is a concept I am learning every moment of every day how to be a better mom to each of my children in their seasons of life.

You have been charged with the task of helping those little ones become who they were created to be giving them roots to always be able to glean apply and learn from. A deep source of knowledge and tools to be able to make those decisions in life even when life doesn't turn out like excepted.
New to my BLOG? I am sharing more and more about my vulnerable grief journey with my unexpected loss of my BELOVED QUINTIN HERE I am doing my best to navigate our incredible loss and be then mom I need to be to our 4 children who are in the depths of their grief too.
To fly the nest… To go after their dreams and pursue all could ever imagine in life and them some. As we encourage those wings, may we not just give it lip service rather tangible encouragement in this area not thinking of ourselves rather what is in the best interest for your child.
Although this can be a scary thought…
I am reminded of this verse as I send my children out.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22:6

What you do TODAY matters mama… regardless of what decisions they are making now or what your physical eyes may see, Trust that God has them and you have done your part in raising them in the best way you know how. Pray for protection as you send them out and for God to reveal in Himself in a way that only that child would know without a doubt that is is their Heavenly Father.
Easier said than done, but wings doesn't mean you don't have a role in their life anymore it just means you get to be a friend instead of a parent. Showering them with love and support and wisdom WHEN they ask for it. Pray for discernment when to speak and when to not…keep showing up and keep loving them and pointing them back to their Heavenly Father's unwavering Love that is YOUR role!
I share my heart with the struggle of Roots & Wings in this video below. I say Struggle because well it is and I am learning every moment of every day how to be a better mom to each of my children in their seasons of life.
It's Both… Roots & Wings
It isn't one or the other…it is a balancing act of both.
Life is all about seasons ☀️⛅️⛈️🍂❄️
May you have Roots and Wings.
Roots to know Whose you are- where you Belong! When you want a home cooked meal, when life beats you down or when you just want to come home to rest. No matter the hour… Come HOME you are always welcome.
Wings to soar! To put into practice all the things your roots taught you. To Soar completely into Gods purpose for your life 🤍
These words were the words I offered to my son when he left to go to college. Little did I know I would offering him wings for a short while as he came back to his roots to step in after my husband, his father passed away suddenly 8 months later.
Life is full of ups and downs and letting your kids know no matter what happens they are welcome with arms wide open is reassuring not only for them but us to mama. Of course, that doesn't come without boundaries, responsibilities and rules but that my friend is another blog for another day.
Even though this chat isn't a typical coffee chat I have to share one of my very favorite mugs in my Crazy Busy Mama Exclusive collection.

THIS MUG above was designed with every Crazy Busy Mama in mind… I don't know a mom cant relate with this and needing a bit of a reset. “My Brain has TOO MANY TABS OPEN” If you find yourself needing a little more inspo in the morning you can GRAB this MUG HERE.
Every morning, I wake up and share a bit of my heart on my socials. If you are not following me on instagram, you can do so HERE and in this season specifically I am sharing my grief journey. Praying that I can share hope in the midst of my pain and how you too can find purpose in the midst of your valley by remembering Whose you are and who holds you! For those who would like to take a listen you can do so below.
So thankful for your encouragement each day 🥹your support means the world to me.
I am excited to announce, I have started my very own Crazy Busy Mama mug collection. Each one of these mugs have my signature exclusive signature on them. You can check them out HERE and you can SNAG IT your favorite – Each one of my designs comes with my CBM signature with a 💗✝️ on each. I hope you enjoy having coffee with me each morning and these exclusive CBM designs encourage you to put your best foot forward each day!
I loved that story. Thank you for sharing your life with us strangers that feel like we know you like family. Keep being you. You’re fantastic!! Lots of love headed your way. May God continue to bless you.
You are loved 🥰 And, you are a WONDERFUL mama. You inspire so many of us. Thanks for being you 😉