Daddy’s Girl


In order to be a daddy's girl, you must have a daddy who is deserving of that title.

QUINTIN was WORTHY of Holding that Title!

Quintin was nothing short of an amazing father to all our kiddos, but especially our girls. Both Ella and Lily were both daddy's girls and I was so inspired by how he loved them with such a pure real love. Not a watered down love of just surface level of just words, but one love that had action behind it! A love that delivered truth when needed even when it hurt but also be there to pick up the pieces at any given time of the day. Most importantly, Quintin was the constant source of truth and the one who would always point them back to their true identity in Christ if ever needing a readjustment of confidence. Quintin instilled in his girls a god sized confidence because of the way he loved them. I like to call it GODfidence! He was their truth giver, defender and soft spot. He could be counted on both day or night at any moments notice. His kids, especially his girls were his everything!

He even gave this charge and challenge to other dads of girls…of how important their role was in their little girls lives.

This is a post he shared on social…just a few years before his passing. I still remember the year he posted this and thinking how lucky my girls were to have a dad like Q and how fortunate I was to have married a man who loved my girls so incredibly much that he not only told them but showed them through his actions.


Hey dads of girls

Remember, YOU set the tone on what your girls see and expect from their future husbands.
You show them what it means to be a man.
A provider
A nurturer
A leader

It is 100% your responsibility to show them love, model respect, and to help the see their value.
YOU are their first valentine.
Remember that.
Model that.
Be that.
Lead from the front.
Be changed. 



Here are a few more posts challenging other girl dads to rise up and be their example of how they should be treated. We were so blessed by him!

This post from 2022 as well as these other ones above on Valentine's Day is just one of the many showing what the love of a father truly means… not just on Valentine's Day of course but he was intentional about sharing his heart on this important matter on that particular day and many other days with the random breakfast dates with this breakfast buddy Lily and Sushi lunches with Ella or throwing a Valentine's Day party for Lily in the midst of Covid so she didn't have to miss her last Valentine's Party from Elementary school. He truly thought of it all! The point is he was intentional about spending time and loving on our girls often as he wanted them to know what true love was.

They say your girls have a tendency to marry your father….and I couldn't think of a better man for my girls than one just like their dad, but I will say this will be pretty big shoes to fill. All in Gods timing that man will come and I pray that he holds all these amazing qualities their dad possessed in loving them well.

Until then, this is the first Valentine's Day without their dad and I without the love of my life. So my boys worked hard to take over the role of their father and surprised us with hand written cards with the most heart felt words, chocolates and flowers. When I woke up to see it laying out for us in the kitchen this morning it couldn't have been more perfect. Not only did they think of me, they thought of their sweet sisters. This made my heart not only explode with pride but equally I was overwhelmed with sadness and so much gratitude!

Oh Quintin, if you could see them now! YOUR LOVE Made A DIFFERENCE! Your parenting made a difference.

I mean look at those sweet smiles!

My two youngest the ones who have given us silly laughter throughout this storm, Lily and Fisher.

and my anchors in the midst of the storm, the two oldest Ella and Kale.

We had to photo shop Kale in this picture with Ella because Kale plays college baseball and left the house super early to head out of town for the game.

My boys 🥹 are exemplifying and embodying their father! I not only believe your girls look for their dads to marry, but your boys rise up to example their father sets for their family! Wow...let that sink in! Wether or not you think it does, YOUR example makes a difference!

Their Daddy would be so proud!! Love the way the love us and their sisters. So grateful! ❤️‍🩹

Q was their greatest example! Click “TRUE LOVE”❤️‍🩹 below to read Q's last love letter to me & bit about how Q shaped their lives or Valentine's Day and the rest of the days. Much Love to you all- Lori

ps- Let this be a reminder friends that what you do, the lessons taught, the time you take….is not in vain! Everything single bit of it matters!!

Q forever and always your Valentine!

We Love because He first LOVED us!

1 John 4:19

Let us as parents be the example of that TRUE ORIGINAL LOVE that Christ Laid down His life for so that we could also love others like Christ loves us!

Grab your XOXO The Original Love Letter CBM exclusive Mug HERE as this reminder of HIS one true love for you!

To hear a bit from my heart this morning on the first Valentine's Day without you, feel free to listen in as I read the boys letters to me. So heart wrenching! 💔❤️‍🩹

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