Ok Mamas I have a question for you!
Do your children ever do something and you look at them and think, “How am I lucky enough that these beautiful humans are mine?”

I don't mean beautiful in terms of physical beauty, although each of my children are beautiful inside and out. I mean internal beauty! My kids never cease to amaze me with their beautiful hearts and minds.
As mamas, I think that starts when they are babies. You are amazed by each milestone, by each thing they learn. Then as toddlers, they will say something and you think where did you learn that, and you are just shocked by how much their little brains are growing and comprehending. Here is when my Mama heart became whole, the day our fourth, Lily, completed our family.

That warm feeling in your heart doesn't stop there. It just grows the same way your child is growing!
As many of you know, being a Mama is my favorite! I love each of my children and I love the things that make them uniquely them.

Our oldest, he has a huge heart very empathetic for others. This is not a common trait for a 20 year old guy so this really stands out. Quintin always said that Kale will make the best of dad and hubby someday, and I agree whole heartedly! God gifted him with these natural abilities as it is comes effortlessly! So blessed by his pure intentions to give and love others. His future wife is so lucky to have these amazing natural qualities in Kale and his future kiddos too!
She is an old soul always has been. She can spot someone in a room who is feeling left out and “mother” them so to speak and make them feel like a million bucks. She has an empathic warmth about her that pulls people in and makes everyone feel not only welcome but extra ordinary! Ella has many best of friends because of this incredible God given gift. She will and has already made an incredible impact on this world. This girl is not a community changer but a World Changer! Can't wait to see where God leads her next.

He is quick witted, he is like his father in all the good ways. Although a bit of an introvert, he is not afraid to speak his mind to protect those he feels need it or ideals that need to be heard. Absolute TRUTH is very important to him. He is about justice for all! He is naturally a protector and fighter for those less fortunate and has a loyalty that runs deep for his family and close friends. Love this about him! Anyone who has the opportunity to have Fisher in his circle undoubtedly will be blessed.
She is always so smily! Her smile is contagious she can light up a room with her smile and laugh. Her natural positivity is something I admire so much! God has gifted this girl with natural leadership that is already showing at the young age of 14. Being voted in as a cheer captain and putting together and her willingness to lead a young teen girls bible study is just the beginnings of what God will do through and in her! Her willingness to be a vessel for Him will take her so far in life. God has great plans for this young willing heart. God will do incredible things through her for His kingdom through her continued willingness and I cannot wait to have a front row seat to it all as her mama!

I am so proud of each of them everyday and I am just loving seeing them grow into young men and women. I just wish Q was here with me to hold my hand as we watch them grow. But I know he is looking down with a huge smile on his face, so proud of our kiddos. ❤️🩹

Many of you know I lost my husband in April of this year. If you are unfamiliar with our sudden loss of Quintin, you can read about it here. Our children and I are grieving every single day, but even in the midst of such grief, I am in awe of how my children have shown their love and excitement for me. I regularly find myself thinking they are each like their dad in their own way, and I love seeing him in each of them!
Well today was one of those days…
You know, one of those days when your kids just stop you in your tracks and you are just overwhelmed with gratitude at the fact that they are yours!
Today my girls found out y'all nominated me for “Missouri's Best” as the best local blogger.
I hope you can tell by my blog posts how I truly pour my heart into these posts for you. It isn't just about recipes, although I know y'all love those. With each post I hope you find more than just a yummy dish.
I hope you find something you can personally relate to, no matter the stage of parenting you are living!
My kids have always been very supportive of me and as y'all know, they help out a lot with all things Crazy Busy Mama.
But to have your kids celebrate your hard work and accomplishments; that is something I never knew I would appreciate so much!
I didn't even know I had been nominated for one of Missouri's Best categories. It is such an honor to be voted “Best Local Blog” and when my girls found out they printed out the award and insisted on posting it to brag about me.

As moms we always brag on our kiddos, but to have them brag about you?? WOW! What a surreal feeling that was!
So if you see me today, with a big smile on my face, you know why! I am so blessed by my children!!
💖, Lori
Also wanted to shout out a special thanks for my Q ! Without Q, this blog would not be here today. He was the true backbone of this BLOG and everything behind the scenes Crazy Busy Mama I did, without him this would not have even been possible. Love you forever Q, you have left a massive void in all of our lives, but I am so grateful for the time we had with you and the legacy you left us to steward. Miss you like crazy!
Congratulations on your award!! You are an excellent mother and blessed with wonderful kids!!
Huge congratulations to you, Lori! You are an amazing woman – such a hard working mama for sure. I hope you received my Christmas package! Happy 2025.
Congratulations 🎊 you are the best mom and you have the sweetest kids I love your family and your fur babies oh my gosh they are so cute
This award could not have been given to a more deserving warm soul!
Congratulations Lori! We’re all so proud of you!! 🥦🥒🍎♥️
Congratulations on your award!! You are a great mama and your kids are amazing!! I know you are so thankful to have them by your side each day. I am praying for you all. I know this journey you guys have been is not easy and no one wants to experience it. I love your recipes, blogs and all things. So do you have other businesses. I know you said you and Q had several businesses. So I am sure you stay really busy.
Congratulations Lori! That’s an awesome acknowledgment of your hard work and dedication this past year! We appreciate you and all of your pouring out during your hardest year of your life! ❤️
Congratulations Laurie! You have a beautiful family and fur babies. You are such a hard working mama. I see how hard you are trying to keep your family happy during these days of grief. You are slaying it mama!
Congratulations 🍾🎊🎉 thank you for always being real. And sharing your life good and bad.
Congratulations on this very well deserved award. Your children sound amazing, and Q surely is bursting with pride as he sees your children and you succeed in the midst of grief. (and pets are amazing support in helping to heal, so I hope everyone in your family can, with the help of their unconditional love.)
Congratulations Lori! So deserved ! You are an inspiration and I Love hearing about your kiddos and your dear Q . Your blog is great and I enjoy your coffee videos so much ! Stay strong q
Of course, Q is watching over you and the kids! He’s so proud of you too. You are an amazing woman, and I knew when I found you, it was no accident. Bless you, your family, and your work! Congrats on this honor!!!
What a great honor to a wonderful loving person and beautifully dedicated and deserving mama! I’m sorry for your loss of the love of your life! I cannot even imagine losing my Tom! If you’re ever in need of a friendly date on your special Q date day please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m kinda fun, I think and a great listener. I live near Odessa, probably about 45 minutes or less to the northland area. I don’t work outside my home so I’m available most days. Anyways, congratulations on your most deserving award and for having such kind and loving kids! God bless you all.
Well deserved award! I love your posts because they prompt me to pray for you and your family.
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing all you do. Wishing you and your family much happiness in 2025.
Lori, I have followed you for a little over a year. I love your sense of humor, your love of family, your conviction of faith, your recipes, coffee mugs and reading your blog. You make each of us feel a connection to you, like we are friends even though we’ve never met. You have a beautiful personality and it shows in everything you say and do. I loved your talk time with Quentin. You had good advise on child rearing, finances and marriage. Your loss touched us all. I have lifted you and your up to our Lord and Savior for comfort, strength and understanding. Thank you.
Congratulations! This is so deserving. Each of your children have shown strength and loving their mother.
I am a great grandmother. My oldest grandson was murdered on 1/07/19. He left a six month old daughter. I am forever changed but the Lord
has blessed me with family even though they are 650 miles away. I pray this year will show you how much you are loved and needed.
Congratulations! I love your raw and real way you share your life, the good, bad and ugly! May God bless you and your family this year and put some joy back in each of your hearts.
Congrats on your award Lori.
I too lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly last Dec. 28. We were married 55 years. Your children are young and that has to be so hard on them. My children are grown and married with children, but their grief has been overwhelming at times. Like Q, my husband was very special. I have loved following you as I can relate to how you feel. You are so open and honest.
Lori, Congratulations. I started following you after I lost my husband on July 25th, I appreciate your honesty and your ability to turn the camera around on those heavy mornings. I feel like if I lived in Missouri you and I would probably be in the same Widow support group. I too have drawn closer to my faith and this coming year I am going to have Perseverance and Faith. Thank you for being a true inspiration. Stay strong. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.
Your testimony throughout the last 9 months has touched my heart and while I do not know you, I grieve for you as if I do. You are in my thoughts, my prayers, and in my daily awareness to take nothing for granted. You are walking through fire and it is refining you into an even stronger woman for Christ. It’s not the assignment you asked for, but it is one in which you’re responding to by living your faith and drawing others closer to Him. God bless you, and a mighty congratulations to you on your well-deserved honor.❤️
Congratulations on your award Lori! You truly deserve it!!! I am so thankful to have found you! You are the reason I am a cooking mama. I am so incredibly proud and happy for you. And so grateful to be following you through your journey. You truly have helped me reclaim the table! And I can’t imagine life without your blog. You are not just a person to follow but an inspiration. So thank you, thank you! Your kids are so incredibly lucky to have you as their mom. And sounds like they’re pretty great kids as well. Keep up the incredible work!
Congratulations Lori on your well deserved achievement. I love that you always mention your dependence on God while you navigate this journey since losing your husband. Your children are beautiful and a result of your love and Q’s love all these years, plus, the Lord working in their lives. You have opened up your life and shared your grief and I want you to know I am praying for you every day. Your courage and fortitude is an inspiration and I am very grateful to know you through social media. God bless you and keep you in His loving arms.
Congrats! The award is well deserved. I enjoy your work every day although I am an empty nester I appreciate your mission to bring families together to share intentional time. Your faith in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is extremely encouraging and a great testimony. I love that you are real and true to yourself with others; keep on shining!
You are such an inspiration, always full of encouragement, always speak of God and how He is working in your life, and very transparent. I always stop and read your Instagram. Praying always for you & your children as you navigate life without Quentin but knowing our faithful God has all of you in His arms.
I am so proud of this very deserving award you have been nominated for & know you will receive.
Don’t let unkind words from people stop you ever.
I’m older than you (probably old enough to be your mother) but if we lived in the same city, I would want to be your friend.
God bless you and keep you.
Congratulations! Lori, you are such an inspiration, I’ll continue to pray for your family as you navigate life without Q. God bless, Lisa
Congratulations, Lori! I am not so much a Crazy Busy Mama anymore but have children with children just a bit younger than yours. Your exuberance and recipes first led me to following you and now your faith and your ability to express your grief and gratitude still compels me to follow. Keep being you and I know I don’t have to tell you to enjoy those kids because you make it evident with every post and blog!♥️
Congrats on your winning the award for best BLOG for Missouri! I love all you do and love to see your children and their activities. I’m deeply sorry for the passing of your beloved Quintin. I’ve left several comments in regard to this unbelievable and terrifying loss of your precious husband. Please know my prayers continue to hold you.
Congrats on this much-deserved reward. I always enjoyed your videos pre-Q and appreciate how you have incorporated your grief and real life post-Q so the world can see what “normal” looks like, which is different from day to day and for person to person. You put a real face on real family and real feelings, and I will continue to be a loyal supporter (and promise not to stalk you too bad when I visit my sister who lives very close to you). 🙂
Congratulations, a blessing 💕 You& your kids experienced a very tragic year& GOD has helped guide you. Your family is an example of faith& love. Thank you for sharing such true emotions in a time when everyone fakes it. Many blessings in 2025💕🦋💕🦋
Congratulations, a blessing 💕 You& your kids experienced a very tragic year& GOD has helped guide you. Your family is an example of faith& love. Thank you for sharing such true emotions in a time when everyone fakes it. Many blessings in 2025💕🦋💕🦋
I love this news! Your kids (and you) are an inspiration to many. My takes: Kale is a handsome stud with a tender heart — what lady would NOT want to be with him? Wishing him a good year in ball and college…so proud of him for adopting Max the dog. I hope he embraces each new opportunity to honor God this next weeks in school, to show others God’s love and grace, to be an example. Go Kale! Ella — she will be on broadway, I’m sure of it! She has the smile and the ability and the drive. I don’t know what she plans to do after her sr. year, and I know the adage “follow your heart” can sometimes leave to a lot of heartaches…but I hope she pursues theater at least as an avocation ’cause she’s a natural…and she has so much good to share. It’s okay to work multiple tracks if you don’t know…I know she will influence others with her faith and her strength and all of that to the glory of God. He has a plan, I know it! Fisher is a doll…so glad you have him for Q dates often, all the of the kids, really, support and love YOU with those special times — you are all supporting each other in such meaningful and special ways…just hoping that Kale has a good rest of the year at school, that he makes good memories with his friends and that you and he get closer and closer while you find that guy or guys who can mentor him and his bro the only ways guys can. Praying for that. I feel like Kale will reach out to others who have loss – he will make a difference in his community. All of this loss and heartache has a purpose. Lily is a doll and I know how much energy cheerleaders have–love all her enthusiasm and big smile. I pray for protection for her sweet heart too as she’s out there leading and doing all the right things with Bible study. Go, fight, win, Lily!
There is no one more deserving than you, Lori. Congratulations! You’re quite an inspiration for all families. I so enjoy your recipes and spiritual advice. Thank you for all you do. You and your kiddos are in my prayers. No one can imagine your pain and angst but you handle it with such grace. Your children are so blessed to have you especially during the insurmountable grief you’re all living through. May God keep you forever close to the pathway He has planned for all of you.
Prayers for your Mom’s healing and recovery. My journey began 2012. Never give up hope for miracles. They do happen. God Bless!🙏
Congrats!! That is wonderful to have supportive kiddos along side you & it shows how much you & your husband did in raising them with love and respect ❤️
Prayers for you & your family on continuing the healing process 🙏 ❤️ I have loved sharing your yummy recipes with my family & enjoyed watching videos you posted over the years with Q. I as a simple viewer could easily see how much he genuinely loved you & your family. God has great plans and we don’t always understand the path to arriving there. Happy New Year & God Bless! ❤️🙏
You are truly an inspiration to a fellow sister in Christ! I do love your recipes, but I love more the impact you and you family are having for Christ. I pray you will be strengthened, comforted, and guided by God’s wisdom as you walk this new chapter of your life.