A grief pet is that really a thing?
Now listen I would not consider myself a cat person, more so a dog lover. So when a stranger turned friend reached out to me through an Instagram DM I immediately dismissed it. Heck no! As a Crazy Busy Mama, I did NOT need one more thing to take care of much less an animal.

Well….I made the unfortunate yet fortunate mistake of showing my daughter. She immediately melted. Still hesitant, God reminded me of a memory from back in February 2024, 6 weeks before my Q's unexpected passing. We were sitting in the living room whilst Q scrolled through instagram reels laughing hysterically at all the cat videos, showing me about every other one. He was truly a site to see!
He quickly turned and asked “Would you ever have a cat if it weren't for me?”
Taken back by his question I responded “Having a cat would not even be a consideration” as I knew he was highly allergic and had a forced distain against cats from childhood trauma, in which I will spare the unfortunate details.
Q claimed to “put out by animals” but those who knew him well, knew he had a big soft spot for animals, cats included. As that particular memory began to flood, so did my tears. It was then, I was instantly drawn to the idea for a grief pet for my sweet youngest daughter.
Being a Dog lover my whole life I knew little to nothing about the Ragdoll cats, and so then and there my journey began.
Months and months of research, educating and corresponding with my new dear friend Sheena @iowaragdollroyalty we decided to take this leap into joining the Ragdoll family. For those who are unfamiliar with this bread they are known for their affectionate personality and dog-like nature, which promptly pulled me in. Without hesitation I said yes to this beautiful Bi-colored Ragdoll kitten. With much anticipation my sweet Lily has been nesting for his arrival doing the research and getting all the things ready for his arrival. There was just one final thing to figure out…..his name. As his identity is the most important thing she could choose.
As you all know I am very public about my grief journey and losing my amazing husband and best-friend, but honor my children's privacy in their grief process. Dealing with my own grief is incredibly heavy and trying to help my children navigate their grief has been absolutely paralyzing. The pain a mother feels for their children's grief is indescribable, there truly are no words. All four of my children have dealt with their grief in many different ways, yet it can change from moment to moment. So if a little kitten can bring a speck of joy, I am all for it.
So welcome to the family Apollo Sky! Isn't he beautiful!

From her own sweet words Lily reveals his name and writes,
The name of my cat is APOLLO SKY!
I chose this name because the definition of “Apollo” is God of healing and beauty. The name goes super well for him because me and my Dad were also big space nerds. I remember one time we were at the NASA space station and at the time i wanted to be a astronaut when i grew up, and he said
“Imagine how Bad *** it would be for someone to ask what my daughter did for a living and for me to say you are an astronaut!” HA! We formed a special bond geeking over all of the different space facts.

Middle Name is Sky, I chose this middle name because on that dreadful night on April 9th the moment I heard my mom scream to call 911, the song that was playing in my air pods was “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” by Taylor Swift. Little did I know I would be saying goodbye to you that night dad and every time I hear that song now it floods back so many memories.
Once I met this cat I immediately knew he was the right one for us 😊
He’s such a sweetie and sooo fluffy and he slept like a baby the whole 4 hours home! -Lily
Such sweet words from my sweet girl, so as her mama this makes my heart swell.
Praying Apollo Sky was sent from above for some much needed healing for my little girl and in turn healing for all of us. For those of you who aren't familiar with the song that was playing in my daughters air pods that fateful night..here are part of the lyrics to “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” by Taylor Swift.
“Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
You were bigger than the whole sky
You were more than just a short time
And I've got a lot to pine about
I've got a lot to live without
I'm never gonna meet
What could've been, would've been
What should've been you
What could've been, would've been you”
When Lily shared this story with me my heart sank! As the youngest, she will be the one who has to grow up without her dad the most. Heart wrenching, but also a great time to remind my sweet girl and the rest of my children that their dad lives within each one of them and that one day we will be reunited together. So thankful for the cross that made this possible!
Look at this sweet smile! I haven't seen it that big for quite some time and it is exactly what her little heart needed this holiday season.

A special thank you to @iowaroyaltyragdolls, if you aren't following them make sure to check them out on instagram! OR if you are looking a precious ragdoll cat they are a registered, health tested cage free breeder and have been incredible to work with. I highly recommend them!
We are so in love with ❤️ our new furry family member!

On Facebook??… and want to learn more about the RagDoll Cat Breed make sure to visit Sheena's Facebook group IowaRoyaltyRagdolls HERE you will see all sorts of fun, educational ragdoll posts that will help you decide if Ragdoll cats are a good fit for your family too, or the least will provide all sorts of fun entertainment!
All of us are in LOVE with you sweet APOLLO SKY!! Welcome to your FOREVER Home!

Speaking of a FURever HOME another fun surprise joined our family as my son adopted a sweet dog. Meet MAX HERE we are his 3rd home and are hoping he loves us as much as we love him!
Check out this fun Apollo SKY adventure captured on video below.
Little Apollo Sky is already keeping us on our toes check out his adventurous death defying jump that NEWSWEEK featured HERE! OH MY…talk about a scary moment! So thankful our little guy is ok! Glad to report, we took the advice from a follower who suggested we try foil so we did put foil up and he hasn't attempted it since. WHEW!! Hopefully he never tries that again!
For more about Apollo and Max's adventures and our two original OG's Ditto & Lulu check out their social CRAZY BUSY FUR BABIES HERE. They are always doing something cute, ornery or fun to report and as you can see also making the NEWs! Make sure to follow along so you can stay tuned for more adventures!
Now for closer look at Apollo Sky's JUMP check it out below
Did it take your breath away too? These little cute fur babies undoubtedly keep us on our toes!!
So happy for ya’ll
That is so awesome!! I love her story and the name she chose. I think of you and your family often. Prayers for you and your children as y’all continue your journey of healing together. ❤️🩹🙏🏼🌹♥️
Ahhh Lori & family,
What a wonderful story of healing taking place through our special pets.
Cats are so amazing and dogs too! I have both. You will ALL be blessed
with Applo Sky!!!
What a beautiful story, I know Q is smiling down on his beautiful girl. I know this will help Lilly, as I feel that the good Lord, and Q sent Apollo Sky straight to their precious Lilly. You are such a wonderful mother to all of your children. God bless all of you, prayers for you always.
OMGEEEEEE!!! I’m over here bawling my eyeballs out!!! 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️ Apollo Sky is absolutely adorable and so is you sweet daughter’s beautiful smile!!! Praying real hard for your family and for bunches of fun memories with your little fur ball!! 🐈 Cats really are hilarious!!! 🤣
Such a sweet story. I’m confident Lily and Apollo Sky will have a very special bond. My heart is so happy knowing she has him to bring her so much happiness and love. Have a happy life, Apollo Sky. Welcome to your furever home and family!
We have 2 Ragdolls, Bud & Sis, and they are pure joy. He will be a blessing to each of you 😻
God sent for sure. Beautiful kitty and beautiful smiles on all of you 3.
So beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. Sending all of you much love , prayers, and peace as you continue to navigate your life with grief. 💕💫💫💕
I’m a cat person for sure and also have a 15 yr old dog and a 2 yr old American Bully. Kevin and I got her July shortly after he retired. He passed 3 months later. Everyone said I should rehome her as she will be to much for me to handle but she was Kevin’s dog and no way was I letting her go! I got a professional trainer even though he had already been training her. She has brought me much comfort and I know my husband is pleased I kept her. Lori, you did the right and best thing for your baby girl. Apollo sky will be her connection to her daddy and bring mush peace to her heart. He is such a beautiful kitty 😻💞🙏🏻
So beautiful.
When my Son died my daughter and I both got kittens. They bring a little smile and joy to watch them play and they are so loving💕
You and your family are going to love this kitty so much!!! It’s just what all of you need at this time, and will keep your spirits high!! Bless you and your sweet family. My mom went through a similar situation when I was 9, we lost my dad Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
This truly melts my heart. 🤚🏻❤️🩹🤚🏻 I’m so happy for you and your beautiful family…. #God is Good
Love, Diane Clouse ❤️🩹❤️🩹
Hi Lori and sweet family. What a beautiful story to read and the smile on Lily’s face was so wonderful to see. Apollo Sky is the most precious adorable kitten and I can see why you all fell in love with him.
I know the heartache of loss and how deep the pain is. I am learning to channel my grief in other ways and it is so good to see you Lori and your beautiful daughters smiling.
The fact that one little ball of fluff can help take your minds off of things for a bit and will be a part of your new life’s journey will hopefully give you one more reason to get up and keep moving each day.
I admire all of you so much and I am so deeply sorry for all you are experiencing. I can relate to Lily’s words of “hearing mom yell to call 911” as I to was awoken to a phone call from my dear dad who could not wake up my mom and 6 months later from my dad himself who could barely talk telling me to come over he was choking after taking medicine for his terminal cancer and he had a lot of trouble swallowing. Many triggers and many things that go through your mind each day after experiencing this sort of trauma. The one most beautiful thing we have in common is our love and devotion to Jesus. God is my savior and I can see through your videos how much you love God as well. So incredible to see and hear because that is the only reason I am where I am in my journey today. Keep your heads up and your eyes on Jesus. Your husband is so proud of you and the life you have built. I am praying for your family every single day and are always here to listen. All my love and prayers ~
Thank you for sharing this story. It was so touching to read. I believe that kittens have Angel Wings. We just can’t see them but know they are there. I pray for this little Angel kitty will bring you all endless joy.
I’m SO moved and grateful for His comforts through Apollo Sky 🐾🤍Even though they’re difficult to see, feel, understand and even accept, especially enduring grief 💔❤️🩹 His mercies are new AND tender each morning 🛐 the mantra/motto of my son who passed 💔 is “BLESS and BE BLESSED” 🕊️
I was never a cat person myself, until I became a mom to my Ragdoll Oscar, 8 years ago. I love him so much. You will find Apollo loves affection and company, and won’t leave your side when you are home, and will greet guests like they are friends. What a special gift for your daughter and home. He will be a ray of sunshine amidst your current darkness. Prayers for your and your family.
Purrfect idea purrfect kitten purrfect family Much Love y’all ..
A touching story of loss, love, and the profound journey of healing. Our pets don’t need wings—they’re angels with soft fur, here to be cherished and to mend the brokenness we feel inside. Wishing you and your family blessings and peace on this path of healing.
Beautiful story!❤️
Love the beautiful kitty.
Apollo has found a wonderful loving home! I hope he brings you much love and comfort in the days ahead
That was a touching story, it brought tears to my eyes. I would love to bless you and all your family especially your daughter for the newest member of the family Apollo Sky. I hope she brings you nothing but love and happiness!
He’s so adorable! What a blessing to your family!! Big hugs from afar!
We had one of these cats show up at our home on Thanksgiving 4 years ago. I have never heard of the breed ‘Ragdoll” But it’s fitting. She was the best and prettiest and fluffiest cat we’ve ever had. And she was just like a dog! She’d sit in the window and wag her tail as she watched the birds at the feeders. She’d scratch at the door to go out (she didn’t use litter boxes except when it was extremely cold -20), then she’d sit on the deck and stare through the window to tell us she wanted back inside. She loved to cuddle, I would put bird videos on my phone for her to watch while I read. Everyone who met her LOVED her. Sadly she passed away this fall unexpectedly. We were blessed to have her show up at our home, she was meant to be a member of our family if only for a few years. I hope Lily enjoys her ‘ragdoll’ as much as we enjoyed ours.
Oh gosh, thank you so much for sharing that you all are always in my thoughts and prayers and what a beautiful, beautiful sweet kitty. What an experience you guys have had. I’m grateful for you that you have the wherewithal even through your own grief to make sure that your children are grieving properly and have you and your faith and you so openly share your testimony and that they have their faith as well. Much love and continued prayers