I May Not Have Gotten to Spend the Rest of My Life With You


Can I first say, how thankful I am for my kids? This picture below is a picture of me and my girls posing in our newest EASTER collection crewneck. “A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days”….which signifies a lot of us.

In grief, I am trying to focus on gratitude, as grief and loss are so incredibly heavy it will take me completely out if I don't try to focus on those people and things I am grateful for each and every day.

However, grief is real and I have promised to keep it real and raw with you on my platforms. So here is the rawness I am experiencing with a glimmer of hope for those who are also walking a similar journey!

11 Mths Today….

11 mths today 😥 with every passing day, I still cannot believe this is my new life. Grief is so indescribable, really so hard to put into words and it weighs on your emotions, mind, spiritual and physical body too! It is a constant dull ache, it is like you are homesick to a home you will never be able to return. It truly is the most awful feeling.

Someone once told me you may not have gotten to spend the rest of your life with them, but they got to spend the rest of their life with you, and if I am being honest there is beauty in that! I am so grateful that I got to spend so much time with my Q, but if I am being honest not enough time. His time, our family time, our time together was cut way too short. When you get married, it is until death do us part but mo one expects to lose your partner the one you love at the age of 46 unexpectedly! It quite literally turns life completely upside down.

These words that someone share out of encourage to me “Someone once told me you may not have gotten to spend the rest of your life with them, but they got to spend the rest of their life with you” Stopped me in my tracks!

If you are reading this and wondering about my devastating loss…

and If you hoped on this blog post for the first time and don't know about my precious and beloved Q you can read about his story HERE If you are a member of the unwanted club of widowhood like me, and are in desperate need of resources I urge you to check some resources HERE I am gathering for myself and for others walking this terribly difficult journey too!

I May Not Have Gotten to Spend the Rest of My Life With You, But You Got to Spend the Rest of Your Life with Me

Through my grief, I take some healing in this quote… because it postures me in a gratitude position. I am trying to focus on my life with Q NOT without him. Thankful for the life we had together and the blessings he bestowed on my children and how these blessings will continue to permeate through my children and their children and for many generations to come. Also, makes me incredibly grateful for the cross! Jesus crucifixion and death on the cross, He bore the weight of our sins defeated death by raising from the grave 3 days later! This is the HOPE we carry….the ultimate hope that we will see our BELOVED Q one glorious day!

If today is your Friday, take heart Sunday is coming!!

A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days

THE TOMB HAS BEEN ROLLED AWAY!! It is time to REJOICE…despite your circumstances, JOY is coming!! Start to proclaim it today! He has already WON THE BATTLE!

As mentioned above, just like our newest design Easter Crewneck signifies …A LOT CAN HAPPEN IN 3 DAYS!

Below is a picture of the design up close….

A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days….

He is Risen

“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. John 11:25-26

This is what I cling to….as not only are we walking through the grief of losing Q, my sweet precious mama is walking through stage 3 Ovarian cancer. So many have reached out praying and every prayer has been felt, I cannot thank you enough.

Isn't she the cutest? She is also sporting “A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days” crewneck knowing full well that her Sunday is coming too!

A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days

So take heart Mama …

If today is your Friday, take heart Sunday is coming!!

I share a bit of my heart this morning below about my grief journey for those of you who want to listen in. Always appreciate a comment below if there is a hardship you are facing and need prayer too. So please feel free to comment below and let us know how you can be supported. I ask that you take a moment and pray for the comment below yours knowing full well when you leave your comment the next one commenting will be doing the same over yours.

A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days MUG

A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days MUG available too! Make sure to grab yours to be inspired that you can do hard things! Grab it HERE!

THIS MUG above was designed with every Crazy Busy Mama in mind… I don't know a mom cant relate with this and needing a bit of a reset. “A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days ” If you find yourself needing a little more inspo in the morning you can GRAB this MUG HERE.

Every morning, I wake up and share a bit of my heart on my socials. If you are not following me on instagram, you can do so HERE and in this season specifically I am sharing my grief journey. Praying that I can share hope in the midst of my pain and how you too can find purpose in the midst of your valley by remembering Whose you are and who holds you! For those who would like to take a listen you can do so below. 

So thankful for your encouragement each day 🥹your support means the world to me.

I am excited to announce, I have started my very own Crazy Busy Mama mug collection. Each one of these mugs have my signature exclusive signature on them. You can check them out HERE and you can SNAG IT your favorite – Each one of my designs comes with my CBM signature with a 💗✝️ on each. I hope you enjoy having coffee with me each morning and these exclusive CBM designs encourage you to put your best foot forward each day!

cheeseburger bites

Cheeseburger Wonton Bites

If there’s one thing every busy mom needs, it’s a quick and easy meal that can easily feed…


  1. Lori, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart with all of us. You have always been an inspiration to me. As I have been walking through my own cancer journey for a year and half now, one of the songs that I listen to so often is Sunday is Coming. Just as you have said, we have hope and I lean into that. Continuing to pray for you and your family!

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