Marriage Is Hard Work


A year ago today… reflecting back on these words I wrote  … I feel so incredibly thankful for our imperfectly perfect LOVE!! Seasons of highs and lows… So thankful He chose me to do life with and I will end by saying this… 

When our counselor got word of Qs passing she texted me and said… 

“You all really fought for it all and you won, Your love is amazing Lori” 

She knew the depths of that fight well and her words meant so much!! 

Just like when I spoke at Qs service … 

“Til death do us part… We did it babe! The world tried to tear us apart, but we WON” 

A special love ❤️ you were Q, love you forever and so thankful for the impact you made in my life and ours kids! Such a powerful presence of a leader in our home that will be forever live on in our kids for generations to come. 

Post from a Year Ago…

How Did I get so Lucky?? 🍀

How did I get so Lucky?? 🍀 ⠀

Well y’all it isn’t luck… it is hard work! Almost 25 years of marriage isn’t easy one bit! Don’t let the “highlight reel” make you assume otherwise. ⠀

We have battled just about every thing in our marriage. And have come out on the other side of it battered and bruised … but much better friends, listeners, forgivers, lovers, less judgmental to others, and parents because of it. ⠀

Marriage is never promised to be easy or smooth sailing. In fact buckle up, bc if you haven’t already you WILL 💯 encounter turbulence and it will knock the wind out of you!  I promise If you keep fighting and breathing through it there is a beautiful outcome on the other end of it.

If you allow Him to, (notice I said ALLOW) He will make your Mess a Message of hope & redemption! ⠀

Will it be without scarring …nope! There will always be battle wounds. But those scars will tell the most beautiful story! Even through confusion, frustration, sorrow & even anger… Be willing to work through all of it & allow Him to mold your mess! It will be so worth it! ⠀

Marriage is True Gift … seasons of giving the gift and receiving the gift. And Seasons of both simultaneously. 

Relationships are messy which marriages often times are too. 

Never focused on perfection but always progress. ❤️

Quintin thank you for choosing the imperfect me and growing with me through it all.

Let this be your reminder, to never take your partner or the moments with them for granted. xo- Lori

St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

Easy St. Patrick’s Day Recipes to Bring the Luck of the Irish to Your Table

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