Never Alone Widows


If you landed on this blog post it is probably because you are wanting to know all about the back story of how my blind date went from this original post on Facebook and Instagram and how all these individuals are inter connected and if you are thinking “Blind Date”, what is that all about well then you need to go back and get caught up on this UNCOMFORTABLE STEPS BLOG POST HERE!

New to my BLOG and a new widow yourself? If so, I want to welcome you and encourage you through my grief journey of losing my husband Quintin unexpectedly this past April in 2024, if you are curious and want to know more of that tragic evening you can read about my amazing beloved Quintin HERE.

Ok now that you are back and caught up, I am going to pick up right where we left off….

For those of you who wanted to hear the rest of the story. Here was my sweet blind date ❤️‍🩹 Kaycee. She is 7 years ahead of me in her grief journey.

We sat at the restaurant for almost 4 hours!! 🥹 and this picture is proof of our emotion filled conversations!

And there is so much more to the story … ⬇️⬇️⬇️

A BUT GOD moment 

That connects my dear friend Kerrissa, Kaycee, Brooke and Mattie too 

I told you about the fun story of how Kerissa brought me this sweet new friend Kaycee but after we sat and talked more it dawned on me that my good friend Brooke for about a decade now intentionally told me about Never Alone Widows after the unexpected passing of Q 💔 she even brought me the book “ Lemons on Friday” from Mattie Jackson Selecman about the sudden death of her husband just 3 weeks shy of their first wedding anniversary. 😢 even explained the entire story of how she and Mattie started a non for profit in Nashville called “NaSheVille” where they felt lead to come alongside orphans and widows just months BEFORE Mattie became a widow herself. 💔

NaSHEVille prides itself on “Celebrating sisterhood and giving back to orphans, widows and trafficked women”.

You can find NaSHEVille HERE on Instagram and also Mattie Jackson Selecman or newly Mattie Jackson Smith HERE and her book Lemons on Friday HERE

I had to reach out to Brooke to confirm, because if I am being honest I can’t recall anything from those moments or days. Then I found a message buried deep in my instagram (for those of who you don’t know Q managed most of inboxed messages, so I miss so much without his help)  from Rachel Faulkner Brown, who lost two husbands by the age of 31 and out of her healing she founded Never Alone Widows, the largest Christian widows ministry in the country. Her sweet message of encouragement and support in those initial raw moments and then inviting me to this conference. 

You can find more about NEVER ALONE WIDOWS HERE and Rachel Faulkner Brown and her remarkable testimony HERE, you can also find out about the annual Widow Conferences, retreats, and local chapters HERE

If you are a widow with children at home and are in need of a community, NEVER ALONE WIDOWS has communities all around the United States that you can connect with. NEVER ALONE WIDOWS helps widows go from desperation to destiny through the healing power of Jesus Christ. I am just getting familiar with them and I am so fortunate to have found them in the midst of my grief journey so I couldn't help but share with them with you too if you find yourself in a grief journey too! I promise to continue to update my journey with you on my experience with NEVER ALONE WIDOWS in hopes to encourage you to get connected too. I know it can be very scary, but sometimes taking that first step is all you need to do for God to show up!

AND THIS book Lemons on Friday has been sitting on my nightstand as a loving and gentle reminder , that I am not alone 😢even when I feel it. 

Isn't it cool how God Works? Even when we don't see it or feel it?


If this written story seems fragmented… it is because it is! That is exactly how my brain is!! Broken widow brain fog is real! Most days my brain is just broken. I don’t expect for people to get it I can’t even explain it. The things I used to be able to do, remember or explain – I just can’t now. 

What’s crazy is I couldn’t put all these connections together… I couldn’t even remember conversations I had, people I had been introduced to, names, or even how to go about trying to find the information that was even sent to me. YET everything came together… BUT GOD!! 


It’s like GOD had to keep sending people my way! Repeating them over and over Making things so clear that I couldn’t miss it! 

Woah… how cool is God y’all!? 

Don’t ever for a moment second guess Gods prompting then re prompting in your life. If GOD asks you to reach out (or re reach out) – don’t over think it JUST DO IT! 

Just a sweet reminder that God is still writing ✍️ my story and He is still writing yours too friend!! Don’t you dare give up hope! The thick FOG will eventually lift and your eyes will be able to see how His hand has been in it the entire time. 

Don't think for a moment, God is not working on your behalf! If you have listened in on my morning coffee chats or have read about my morning coffee chats, I want to say THANK YOU! It has truly meant to the world to me and my grief journey. My hope is those vulnerable chats will exemplify that I am doing my best to find hope in my tragedy and also be a raw example of how God can show up in the midst of your most tragic story if you allow Him to. Mama, I know it isn't easy but it is so worth it!

To hear a bit of my heart on my Uncomfortable Steps that I took to go to on this blind date you can listen in to my vulnerable processing of words below…

Every morning, I wake up and share a bit of my heart on my socials. If you are not following me on instagram, you can do so HERE and in this season specifically I am sharing my grief journey. Praying that I can share hope in the midst of my pain and how you too can find purpose in the midst of your valley by remembering Whose you are and who holds you! For those who would like to take a listen you can do so daily on my Instagram HERE

So thankful for your encouragement each day 🥹your support means the world to me.


Your sip of encouragement – BUT GOD MUG HERE

and if you are looking for an amazing devotion here is such a powerful one, and one all Widows must have in their hand!! It is a collective of 365 devotionals written by fellow widows too! These women are walking through widowhood just like you trying to figure it out grieve and raise children all at the same time. You can find the devotional WIDOWS MIGHT HERE

I am excited to announce, I have started my very own Crazy Busy Mama mug collection. Each one of these mugs have my signature exclusive signature on them. You can check them out HERE and you can SNAG IT your favorite – Each one of my designs comes with my CBM signature with a 💗✝️ on each. I hope you enjoy having coffee with me each morning and these exclusive CBM designs encourage you to put your best foot forward each day!

So grab your favorite coffee or tea and take some time to spend with the Lord to start your day, you won't regret it!

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My February Favorites—From Cozy Clothes to Kitchen Must-Haves!

All of my favorites in one place! Welcome my February Favorites blog! This is where you can find…


  1. I look forward to every time I connect with You, Lori!
    Love You and Your Family, and I’ve been Following You for awhile,
    And, Q will never be forgotten!

  2. My Husband Tim will celebrate his 7th year in Heaven on February 16. Even though I’m ahead of you in this grief journey, your posts about your grief journey still help me with mine. I don’t have Littles,or teens still at home. I do have an adult son who is still at home. He graduated from college in 2021. He is working full time while saving to move out. He has been a true God send in this season of my life. I am disabled and don’t drive so he along with my 2 best friends along with countless other Family and friends have truly kept me going through all of this. If it weren’t for them encouraging and helping evey single day for the past 7 years I would have just spent everyday in bed scrolling on social media and listening to depressing music.

  3. Lori, thank you for being so open and honest about your grief journey. I can relate so deeply with what you are going through.
    My husband was killed in a car accident in 2018. I was so devastated and some days I could hardly breathe. I was so heartbroken. The pain was so intense and overwhelming.
    Now, almost seven years later I realize that I found so much joy in the midst of my sorrow.
    At the 5 year anniversary of his passing I was diagnosed with a rare cancer. The journey is very lonely, because I don’t have my special person to help, encourage and love me through the struggle. I do have young adult kids that care very much, but they are married and have their own lives now. I don’t have any family in the US but I know they are praying for me from far away.
    What I do know is that God promised us that He will be there every step of the way. His love will sustain us. He knows our struggles and He is with us. That is why I can say I found so much joy. My joy is not from my circumstances but my joy is found in the Lord.
    Lean into your grief and let God do his work through you. He is using you in a special way because you are precious to Him. I pray that you will find the strength to keep going during the hard times because God is using your struggles for His glory.

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