The day Q Died, I Died Too 💔
Below is a picture of our date day, Quintin and I had set aside Tuesday mornings as just us a special time to reconnect. I refer to these Tuesday mornings as QueDay. If may have been a quick coffee grab or a breakfast but we made this time together as a priority as it helped us to stay connected as a couple instead of just playing the roles of “parents” to our children. Marriage was always our number one priority, because we knew if we took care of our marriage and kept dating one another through the busiest season of parenthood it would help us stay focused on the priorities of life and help point our children to how important marriage is for a complete family unit. Did we have a perfect marriage? NOPE! We had many struggles most couples navigate but we were determined to fight those struggles together instead of separately and I believe this was why our marriage was successful. When we found ourselves broken, we were broken together. I blogged about the ONE Thing that DESTROYS marriages- you can read it here, if you are struggling in your marriage know you are NOT alone, but chin up there is HOPE and your Marriage is worth the fight!

If you hoped on this blog post for the first time and don't know about my precious and beloved Q you can read about his story HERE If you are a member of the unwanted club of widowhood like me, and are in desperate need of resources I urge you to check some resources HERE I am gathering for myself and for others walking this terribly difficult journey too!

The day Q Died, I Died Too 💔
If you have ever lost someone close in your life this statement will ring true for you too!
The hardest thing in life, is finding somebody you can't live without, and then spending the rest of yours living without them 💔
Life as I have known it…
My dreams
My hopes
My plans
Our Family
We talked about the days of what life looked like when our kiddos flew the coop and what empty nesters would feel like when our 4 kiddos left our home.
Being that all 4 were only 5 1/2 years apart, once the first graduated those graduations would all come so quickly. As they seemed to come into the world all at once they would certainly feel like they left the nest all at once.
We had so many dreams and aspirations of adventure together we were so looking forward to. We would talk of those days and reminisce about what it would feel like to be just us again.
Life will be forever marked as before Quintin died to after. 💔
Life will be forever marked as before Quintin died to after. 💔

How to move forward holding his memory and honoring him as the love of my life and father of my children and leader of our home.
No one really talks about the formula to do that or if they do it’s all so different for everyone. Is there a “right” way or “wrong” way?
Never in my worst nightmare of a dream did I think “til death do us part” would come in the middle of raising our 4 kids together. He was MY EVERYTHING and OUR Family's EVERYTHING! How does Life continue on without him here?
Trying to navigate what my life looks like now and it’s all so overwhelming 💔❤️🩹
Trusting God will lead me if I keep stepping. Reminds me of the verse in Proverbs about the Lord establishing my steps. So I am trusting He will show up and guide us in the midst of our storm.
The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9

I praise the God who gives and takes away, and He is the ONLY reason I am standing today.
My sweet girl got me a professional 📸 brand session for Christmas and I decided Q had to be part of it! Even though he is no longer here is was everything behind the face of “Crazy Busy Mama”
Love you FOREVER Q
For more on my grief journey you can check out my raw and vulnerable posts HERE
For more about my BELOVED you can read about HIM HERE
Most every morning, I wake up and share a bit of my heart on my socials. If you are not following me on instagram, you can do so HERE and in this season specifically I am sharing my grief journey. Praying that I can share hope in the midst of my pain and how you too can find purpose in the midst of your valley by remembering Whose you are and who holds you!
I am excited to announce, I have started my very own Crazy Busy Mama mug collection. “BUT GOD” is on of my signature exclusive mugs and you can SNAG IT HERE – Or even the WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE mug that you could see on my raw vulnerable coffee chat above. Each one of my designs comes with my CBM signature with a 💗✝️ on each. I hope you enjoy having coffee with me each morning and these exclusive CBM designs encourage you to put your best foot forward each day!

My hope is that these mugs are a bit of morning inspiration that you need to help you get started on the right foot each day reminding you of WHO has you and WHOSE you are.
*This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links
These are beautiful pics, and the picture of you and Q! 😭
I admire you for how vulnerable you are about your grief journey.
You are such a sweet soul. I pray the Lord will keep you and your sweet kiddos in his loving arms. ❤️🙏
I love your morning coffee chats Lori!
Lori I love everything you are doing during grief. I lost my love after 47 years together right after you lost Q. July 14th and my life is totally torture. My kids are grown and married so me at 63 all alone during the best time of our lives. On the outside I look fine but every organ of my body inside has melted to the deepest part of my soul. 💔
You are amazing! Love to watch your videos’re real and i appreciate that!! ps i love coffee and Jesus too!